- Episode Audio
Tony intro incorrect
Time |
Note |
1:56 |
Bob says “edit this”
The Insider's Guide to Real Estate Riches with Expert Tony Martinez (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
25-04-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Episode Audio
2 intros
Time |
Note |
0:29 |
intro is repeated
Mindset for Success (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
25-04-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Episode Audio
there are two closes to podcast
Time |
Note |
11:36 |
has bob saying “now I’m going to give you the close for the podcast”
Using Disregarded Entities (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
25-04-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- YouTube Thumbnail
logo moved, not like others
Igor Kheifets (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
04-03-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- AudioGrams
put guest name on it’s own line
Igor Kheifets (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
04-03-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- YouTube Video
where is the youtube video?
Corporate Transparency Act (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
04-03-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- YouTube Video
thumbnail missing
Pathways Episode 0 (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
04-03-2024 |
YouTube Video (with Description, Keywords) |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- AudioGrams
add “:”
Ukraine (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
29-01-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Episode Card Title
add “:” and move “A” to a new line
Ukraine (Pathways to Prosperity) |
Open |
29-01-2024 |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Fix thumbnail
first image could be better
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
30-11-2023 |
Video Micro Content (Horizontal) |
tony@meettonyg.com |
around the 10:55 mark can you take out where I spell “neat” because that is in correct .. I meant to say “neet”
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
08-11-2023 |
Audio Gram |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- Facebook Post is for Instagram
looks like the wrong content was posted for FB, it’s the Instagram content
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
08-11-2023 |
Facebook Post |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Data
make “Data” lowercase
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
30-10-2023 |
Quote Card |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Camera Shot Off
Is it possible to just keep camera on guest?
Time |
Note |
1:55 |
strange camera shot
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
30-10-2023 |
Video Micro Content (Horizontal) |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Video Cut Off
Video cuts out mid-sentence at very end
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
30-10-2023 |
Video Micro Content (Horizontal) |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- MircoContent Cut Off Mid-Sentence
MircoContent Cut Off Mid-Sentence at the end
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
30-10-2023 |
Video Micro Content (Horizontal) |
tony@meettonyg.com |
- Take out
56:56-56:58–please take out my “oh goodness”
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
24-10-2023 |
Audio Content |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
Complex A correct
Stimulator Peel + correct
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
24-10-2023 |
Show Notes |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- Take out
Take out segment 20:00-20:40
Take out segment 56:37-57:04
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
18-10-2023 |
Audio Content |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- New quote
replace childhood challenges
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
27-09-2023 |
Episode Card |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- New quote
Can we use a different quote or just take out the end part that states” just give them your budget”
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
16-08-2023 |
Quote Card |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- Image
Please center Michelles photo so the top part of her head is not cut off the way it is here.
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
16-08-2023 |
Episode Card |
danarachel2012@gmail.com |
- Missing |
please fix AL|DATUDE
Rachel Rofé (Bob Diamond Copywriting) |
Resolved |
02-08-2023 |
YouTube Description |
tony@podcastingresults.com |