AI Tools and Trends

About the Podcast


AI Tools and Trends


Type of Show


Category (Apple iTunes)




United States

Podcast: Launch > Kickstart > Welcome

Podcast Welcome (Episode 0) Overview

Every podcast begins with an origin story – your Welcome Episode is exactly that. It’s your opportunity to make a first impression, to say hello to your future audience, and to set the stage for all the episodes to follow. Welcome Episodes are usually concise, about 4 to 10 minutes, but don’t hesitate to make it as brief or as extended as you need to encapsulate your essence. Remember, it’s your genuine self that will resonate with listeners and keep them engaged, even beyond the topics you discuss.

So, what should your Welcome Episode script include?

Your welcoming episode should answer all the questions below. Use this worksheet to make notes and create an outline of what you want to say in your welcoming episode:

  • Who am I?
  • How did I get here? What have I done?
  • What am I about?
  • What will the show be about? What is the mission or goal of your podcast? (i.e., Main themes, topics)
  • Who is the show for? (i.e., Who is your target or ideal audience?)
  • Why should people listen? (i.e., What’s in it for them and what will they get out of it?)
  • What is the format for the show?
  • When will it publish? (i.e., once a week, twice a week, daily, once a month, etc.)

The outline above includes all the elements you need. Copy the questions, answer each of them, and this can be the outline for your welcoming episode. Plug in your camera and microphone, your preferred recording method, take a deep breath and press record. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect the first time, you can always edit it or record it again.

The Welcome Episode Script

The Welcome Episode is the keystone of your podcast series, where you lay the foundation for a meaningful connection with your audience. In this initial script, you’ll map out the essence of your podcast, giving listeners a clear view of the journey ahead.

  1. Introduction and Hook: Introduce the hosts and share the passion behind the podcast’s subject.
  2. Podcast Concept: Detail the core idea of the show, the intended audience, and what listeners can anticipate in every episode.
  3. Format and Frequency: Outline the structure of the podcast, including the style (interviews, monologues, etc.), recurring segments, and the release schedule.
  4. Value Proposition: Describe the unique benefits and insights that make the podcast stand out and provide a teaser story that embodies the listener’s potential takeaways.
  5. Call to Action and Close: Invite the audience to subscribe and connect via social media, summarize key points, and conclude on an upbeat note that primes listeners for the next episode.

Download Welcome Episode Script and Template

Prepare to Podcast

Podcast audio is typically distributed by hosting it on a server and making it available for download or streaming through a variety of platforms and programs, such as iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

This content will be available soon!

Revision Requests

Videos, images, and graphics can help attract new listeners and build a following for your podcast. Using visual elements in your social media marketing efforts can be especially effective because they can help to grab people’s attention and make the content more engaging and memorable.

Notes Episode Status Request Date Deliverable Requested By Edit
Episode Audio

Tony intro incorrect

Time Note

Bob says “edit this”

The Insider's Guide to Real Estate Riches with Expert Tony Martinez (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 25-04-2024 [email protected]
Episode Audio

2 intros

Time Note

intro is repeated

Mindset for Success (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 25-04-2024 [email protected]
Episode Audio

there are two closes to podcast

Time Note

has bob saying “now I’m going to give you the close for the podcast”

Using Disregarded Entities (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 25-04-2024 [email protected]
YouTube Thumbnail

logo moved, not like others

Time Note
Igor Kheifets (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 04-03-2024 [email protected]

put guest name on it’s own line

Time Note
Igor Kheifets (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 04-03-2024 [email protected]
YouTube Video

where is the youtube video?

Time Note
Corporate Transparency Act (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 04-03-2024 [email protected]
YouTube Video

thumbnail missing

Time Note
Pathways Episode 0 (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 04-03-2024 YouTube Video (with Description, Keywords) [email protected]

add “:”

Time Note
Ukraine (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 29-01-2024 [email protected]
Episode Card Title

add “:” and move “A” to a new line

Time Note
Ukraine (Pathways to Prosperity) Open 29-01-2024 [email protected]
Fix thumbnail

first image could be better

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 30-11-2023 Video Micro Content (Horizontal) [email protected]

around the 10:55 mark can you take out where I spell “neat” because that is in correct .. I meant to say “neet”

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 08-11-2023 Audio Gram [email protected]
Facebook Post is for Instagram

looks like the wrong content was posted for FB, it’s the Instagram content

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 08-11-2023 Facebook Post [email protected]

make “Data” lowercase

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 30-10-2023 Quote Card [email protected]
Camera Shot Off

Is it possible to just keep camera on guest?

Time Note

strange camera shot

Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 30-10-2023 Video Micro Content (Horizontal) [email protected]
Video Cut Off

Video cuts out mid-sentence at very end

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 30-10-2023 Video Micro Content (Horizontal) [email protected]
MircoContent Cut Off Mid-Sentence

MircoContent Cut Off Mid-Sentence at the end

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 30-10-2023 Video Micro Content (Horizontal) [email protected]
Take out

56:56-56:58–please take out my “oh goodness”

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 24-10-2023 Audio Content [email protected]

Complex A correct
Stimulator Peel + correct

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 24-10-2023 Show Notes [email protected]
Take out

Take out segment 20:00-20:40
Take out segment 56:37-57:04

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 18-10-2023 Audio Content [email protected]
New quote

replace childhood challenges

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 27-09-2023 Episode Card [email protected]
New quote

Can we use a different quote or just take out the end part that states” just give them your budget”

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 16-08-2023 Quote Card [email protected]

Please center Michelles photo so the top part of her head is not cut off the way it is here.

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) 16-08-2023 Episode Card [email protected]
Missing |

please fix AL|DATUDE

Time Note
Bill McIntosh (Bob Diamond Copywriting) Resolved 02-08-2023 YouTube Description [email protected]